Update on Jo

Firstly, thanks for your prayers. Truly. She felt them!!

Secondly you couldn't make up our day!!

She was discharged and forgotten about so we were actually there for 13 1/4 hours (they assumed she had left...sadly another woman got forgotten about in the morning due to the same issue - WAY too many people wanting to access the hospital).

They don't know what caused such bad pain in Jo, and there are way too many possibles so they have given her strong pain medication. If it comes back, plus any other symptoms, we go back to see a doctor.

On our way out we paid for the medication and they took twice the amount. But their card machines are new and they were unable to refund us...so they had to take lots of details so they can get the hospital finance team to lay us back the difference.

What a day! Now, where's my bed?!?

Andy B

@KarlGessler not the greatest of days...still all sorted in the end

You gotta laugh about it ,or you'll cry

@KarlGessler much better now, thanks Karl

Jo's had some times of tiredness, but she was back at work today, albeit from home

She started late and finished early to take it easy; she's trying to reduce her hours too from having done too many for so long so it made it easy for her to take a very relaxed working week this week .

Andy B

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