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If you want to learn about the revival in Seattle, check our Russell Johnson and The Pursuit NW.

Good Morning, Friends!
God is on the move! He is always at work but we are starting to wake up and trim our sails to His wind!
There is a revival in Nashville TN and in Seattle Washington. God is not finished with us yet. This is a day for rejoicing!

Good Morning!

I have finished the first half of Matthew's Gospel in dramatic audio. Fill your heart and mind with the Word of God as you drive to work, jog, or work around the house.

ALEX JONES UPDATE: As you may be aware, a jury ordered Alex Jones to pay $45 million in punitive damages today, following a wildly rigged trial in which Alex was prohibited by the judge in testifying in his own defense on Friday, or calling his own witnesses, or even presenting any evidence in his own defense. He was denied a trial by jury and the judge merely declared "You're guilty!" and then repeated it DOZENS of times in front of the jury.

I was at the InfoWars studios early today, hosting two hours of the Alex Jones Show, and I spoke with Robert Barnes during show breaks. Mr. Barnes assured me that Texas law caps the punitive damages at $750K per plaintiff, which means the $45 million order against Jones will be reduced to just $1.5 million shortly (because there were two plaintiffs). But the press won't report that, because this has always been THEATER from day one.

In case you missed it, the kids and I recently recorded and epic music video!

Good Morning! ☀️

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3 KJV

“The devil never has had much luck with a grateful man.” - Author Unknown

Please don’t forget to pray for the orphans in China. Because of Covid no international adoptions are moving forward and there are many children waiting for parents and a loving home. 😰😰😰😰😰 they are on my hearts every day. Some little children even had parents arriving to be pick them up and bring them home.... when suddenly the China wall went up and no one could come in to pick them up anymore until Covid restrictions are lifted. Those children have been waiting ever since. Those parents are besides themselves waiting to come get them! Please pray the hearts can be turned soon to opening back up the roads for adoption. And that the people of God could also have moved hearts towards providing homes for children who have been abandoned and are suffering every day without a family.

Hi Ding-Dash Family!

The kids and I just released our newest music video. The scenery is gorgeous! I think you will love it!

Please, enjoy and share our vlog about parenting, missions, and music!

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