Did you know that 120 000 Polish refugees from Russian WW2 labor camps were taken in by Iran after 1941?

Here is a testimony of one of them:
“Life in Iran was quiet and peaceful. In 1943, I joined the Association of Polish Scouts. I studied English. Isfahan, the city of my youth, was beautiful. We got to know the customs of the Persians, taking what was good for ourselves. We were driven to the swimming pool and the bathhouse twice a week. Archbishop Marina has hired seven coaches to allow us to visit the wonderful old Isfahan monuments. Time was spent studying, scouting exercises and Polish folk dances in regional costumes. We organized "Jasełek" and performed in the theater. We were often visited by various dignitaries, church and lay people - there was also the Shah of Iran with his entourage."


@tymektt my sister's father was a survivor of the camps . A polish man who lied and said he was Czech only reason he wasn't killed.

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