The greatest resistance to deliverance ministry seems to come from Christians who don't want to believe that they can have a demon. But consider that Jesus rebuked Peter, when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from the cross, saying "get behind me Satan!" (Matthew 16:23). Jesus had just finished telling Peter that he would receive "the keys of the kingdom" and Jesus called Peter, "Blessed!" Jesus hasn't changed His mind and is not calling Peter himself "Satan". Rather, Jesus was rebuking Satan who was using Jesus' good friend, Peter, to tempt Jesus.
This is strong evidence that demons can be at work in the lives of faithful believers.
Check out the full chapter here:
@sarikorpi read Romans6,7,and8. Our flesh is dead. We have been risen with Christ. And He dwells in us
@Kruselady Yes, this is the truth about us in Christ! 🙌 When we were born again out of Spirit and water (Joh. 2:5) we became new Creations in Him, the old is gone and the new has come! (2. Kor. 5:17). The new man in Christ is free of the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:24) so we need to start walking by the Spirit in order to be in that new. (Gal. 5.16-17, 5:25) But we have still the ability to live according to the old man, our flesh, if we want. (Gal. 3:3, 1. Kor. 3:1-3, Jaak. 4:1-3). So it becomes clear, that to walk by the Spirit is a choice, not something that happens automatically. We need to kill the deeds of the flesh and put them away (Col. 3: 5-10, Room. 8:12-13, Ef. 4:22-24). Before we were born again we did not have the ability to do this choice because we lived in darkness, but now when we live in the light we need to walk in it too. (Ef. 5:8-15).
God bless you!
@sarikorpi amen.