
Update: My Grandpa has passed away. Please keep my family in prayer, especially my Grandma and mom.

@LevyPait I'm so sorry about your Grandpa! I will pray for your family!

@LevyPait Lord Jesús, please be with Levy and family. Be their comfort and guide. May they sense your presence and companionship moment by moment. Thank you. Amen n

May the Spirit of Peace and Comfort be on Levy's family at this difficult time of deep loss. Father bless them and provide their needs today. Amen. @LevyPait

@LevyPait I'm so sorry for your family. I pray that your grandpa knew Jesus and that your family is feeling the comforting presences of the Father right now. Hugs.

@lauralynn he did. He was faithful Christian man. However, not all of his grandchildren are saved, so I would ask for prayer for them as we try to be a witness to them.

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