So excited to start this next 365 day journey! I’ve always wanted to read the whole Bible in a year and I’ve always wanted to read the bible in chronological order! So... I’m doing both! Most people start 1st Jan, I’m starting 1st Oct (not one for following the crowd 😂). Excited for the revelation that this next year will bring!

@Lindseyay Here's another aspect you might be interested in after you've read the whole Bible: taken one Gospel and read the whole of the New Testament through in a month. You will need to read 7 chapters a day. Or, take the time and read reach book a day. Some days will be longer and some short. It brings amazing insights. Been doing this for years.

I haven't read the Bible in Chronological order. I would enjoy that.


@KarMarJo57 ooh that sounds great!! I’ve heard some people who have read chronologically but removed psalms from the plan. Instead they have spread the palms over the year and read in conjunction with their chronological plan.

Really looking forward to the revelation that this next year will bring! 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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