Hey everyone!!

Super busy week has meant I’ve not been on here as much this last week 🙈. How’s everyone’s week so far??

@Lindseyay doing well! My puppy was spayed yesterday so today I'm trying to keep her quiet and calm!! It's so hard for a puppy that usually is bouncing off the walls! It's quite cold and cloudy today so DD and a good book is all I need... And a cup of tea!

@MaryMamuzich awwww what kinda puppy do you have? I really love dogs!! What book are you reading? Also…. Really important question (important to a Yorkshire girl anyway 🤣) what type of tea do you drink??

@Lindseyay my puppy, Sally, is a Rat Terrier mix. Super sweet! I just finished Eugene's new book and now I'm reading, Biblical Psychology by Oswald Chambers, I live his books. As for tea... I love so many! I'm kinda hooked on Lady Gray right now. I want to someday visit Yorkshire!

@MaryMamuzich ooooh great book choices!! I’ve not tried Lady Gray, I’ll have to give it a go! It’s honestly not me waving the flag for Yorkshire BUT Yorkshire Tea I’d definitely my favourite 😂

@Lindseyay what are they called? What brand? What's your favorite?


@MaryMamuzich it’s literally called Yorkshire tea lol. It’s my favourite (non fruit) tea 😋

@Lindseyay I love that, " Let's have a proper brew"!! I'll see if I can order it. Thank you.

@Lindseyay I like the picture on the box. I loved the All creatures great and small book that speaks of Yorkshire. I want to see it so badly!

@MaryMamuzich @Lindseyay I read those as a kid🙂 My wife needs to do some tea parties at church to burn through her collection. We'll never drink it all before it gets old!

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