In the last year, I have heard so many people who do not go to church teach me what Jesus would do. It has been really nice.
Wear a mask. that is what Jesus would do.
Keep six feet apart. That is what Jesus would do.
Stay home, save lives, that is what Jesus would do.
Don't go to church, that is DEFINITELY what Jesus would do.
Do not visit the sick, sit with the lonely, or console those grieving the death of a loved one because that is after all what Jesus would do. That is how Christians show love.
Do you not remember the parable of Jesus telling the sick to stay six feet away?
YES! Indeed! Jesus showed true Christian love to the leper by telling them to be safe, stay away from the village, and die alone.
Who knew that all that was needed to show love to those with leprosy was a mask and stay 6 ft away?
But perhaps that is not a fair comparison of the love of Jesus, because leprosy was neither as deadly nor as contagious as Covid.


@sinbach I'm so tired of that too. It's so important to know the scripture to defend what Jesus actually tells us to do and not do.

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