It is totally MESSED up that Biden demands that I, as an American citizen, be tested for COVID before being allowed to return to America. Meanwhile! Illegals crossing the border into America ILLEGALLY are allowed to enter with NO TESTING - AND! AND! AND! given a free bus pass to travel ANYWHERE they would like to go. 😑 🀬
Sorry, rant over.

@sinbach I'm sorry 😐 it is a mess! When I had a test my eyes started watering and I had a sneezing fit! Could've been a new covid outbreak right there.

@MaryMamuzich i have been test many times - and each time has cost between $100-300. My last test was a few days ago in Norfolk VA before I boarded my flights and the test $295. If I do not have a test before I go back to the US, I will NOT be allowed on the plane, BUT if I cross the border illegally to get to America - orders have been given - that I am NOT to be tested. Texas Gov Abbott has been disobeying the orders and testing the illegals crossing into Texas and at the moment they have a 6% chance of testing positive.


@sinbach the expenses for you are piling high! I just read about Brother Yun not bad talking the gov in China or those that mistreated him... I'm having a hard time... I'm so fed up with our government leaders! They have no common sense!! So what happens to those that test positive at the border???
I'm so sorry, I truly am. πŸ™

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