When you live in a country where nature is dead for 6-7 months a year, and you survive long, dark winters (on the same latitude as Alaska, so it's really dark Nov-Feb) - nothing makes you more happy than seeing the sun and small signs of life in nature. The rhubarbs and chives are growing, and the last snow is melting. My son is waiting for the right moment to grow some potatoes.


@tanjaostman crocus are out. Tulips are coming up grass getting green. Trees are still bare. It will all bloom as soon... ☺️

@MaryMamuzich sounds like it's in the same phase as here. Nice to hear that crocus and tulips are typical first flowers coming up - exactly as here!

@tanjaostman we are not nearly as far north as you. But we can have long, long winters!

@MaryMamuzich I belive that! I think your winters might be even colder. We have quite mild winters in Europe thanks to the Gulf Stream. And we who live on the cost have a little milder winters. We don't even have enough snow for skiing every year. Then we have to go 300-500 kilometers northeast. I love the snow. It's the darkness that I have against, living on these latitudes. It messes with people's mind. From a scientific point of view, they have discovered that the lack of light going through the eyes to the brains, affects the brain chemistry. Not to mention the lack of the super important vitamin D (which is more like a hormone in its structure), that the body produces when the skin is hit by the sun rays, and you find it in for example fat fish as well. It used to be an old tradition to give children cod liver oil in the winters a couple of generations ago. But we have lost that tradition. I just read how healthy it and recently bought a bottle from a health store.

@tanjaostman I couldn't handle the darkness either. Our winters are cloudy but we do have light... Not as long as the summer where it's light until 10:00-10:30.
Someday we'll be in the eternal light of the Lord!!
Have a blessed day, my Sister!

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