Did you know that Justin Bieber has released an EP with only Christian songs? Did you know that he has been navigating towards Christ the last few years, that he has left his promiscuous lifestyle and married? That he has been close to death because of Lyme disease, and drug abuse? That he was born to a 17-year-old mother who had struggled with drug abuse and attempted suicide, but found Christ? That Justin was prophesied over just before his great breakthrough? That Justin regrets what he has done wrong? That he had all man strife for but felt lonely and empty? We Christians are sometimes too quick to point our fingers and too slow to pray for people! One reason is that we are jealous of their “privileges”, even if we should know that the only truly privileged are those who live in a close relationship with the Lord. There are so many in Hollywood that have sold their souls to “the system”, and they lose everything, even if they seem to gain it all.



@tanjaostman several years ago one of our pilots took him for a helicopter tour over Glacier National Park. We deal with a lot of the so call elite, we treat all ppl the same - professionally.
But this kid........ I'm glad he has been found by the Lord. I pray he will grow in love for our Lord.

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