No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier 2 Tim. 2:4 kjv

As Christians we obey Christ our commanding officer. Paul identified slavery existed in the Roman empire but did not encourage believers to lobby to change social norms. Philemon was encouraged to accept Onesimus as a brother not a slave. Paul reminds us our warfare is not carnal and Christ encouraged us to address concerns in the prayer closet. In Isaiah we read Christ would never be characterized by marches and protests. So regardless of how we feel about child soldiers our focus is not to change the world but share the gospel of peace with the world. We stand against injustice in ways Christ approves. As a hospital we rebuild lives in line with His will. Using our 2 spiritual weapons we fight what opposes His will. As pillar of the truth we publish truth in all nations. We reach out to BOTH victim and perpetrators.


@moamfj so so so sad! My heart breaks for all the broken families. I pray God's peace will overcome the evils these children endure. May the gospel be heard and spread to all hearts.

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