I have had a break from DD and enjoyed vacation. Our summers in the Nordic countries are bittersweet – beautiful and too short. As soon as the sun is shining, we want to get to the beach/be outside. In the southernmost city of Finland, Hangö (Swedish)/Hanko (Finnish) there are 30 kilometers (19 miles) of sand beaches. We were there by the beach at a Christian family camp for a few days. I have also been a leader at a scout camp, where everything was simple and done outdoors, including cooking on fire. We have had an unusual warm summer, so I think I have been more outdoors than indoors. Next week it’s time to go back to work, and I don’t look forward to the dark autumn and winter – except from the last part of winter Feb-March. Hope you all are doing well! (I will share pictures in several postings, since it’s possible to share only four pictures at a time).


@tanjaostman glad you had a nice vacation. I agree, winter comes too soon! I do love Fall.

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