Got our ration of diesel, so Jo can do all 4 days at work this week

Next week is far away (& scripture tells us take things 1 day at a time) - so we'll deal with it 1 day at a time

People are aggressive, impatient, irritable on edge. shop staff are nervous and quickly defensive - me not trying to put in more than the ration they set, invoked a shocked smile and a visible relaxing of her shoulders (perhaps also because the guy in front of me at the till had just jumped the queue, in front of me in the shop, just because he could, because he was on a motorbike, before spilling petrol everywhere because his guilt was obvious for all to see - so not worth it...petrol on a hot motoribke?!?)

A chap with Jerry cans apologised profusely, but pointed out he was a gardener and that was for his livelihood. At least he didn't try and push in front of me, but I did challenge him as he was edging in between me & the motorbike and tensions were plenty high enough already.

Madness and fear!!

@Berrybunchfamily wow, that's crazy! Is this a usual thing or a temporary shortage?

@MaryMamuzich last time I remember was late 90s was when petrol tanker truck drivers went on strike


@Berrybunchfamily I just watched it on the morning news. I'm sorry that's happening.

@MaryMamuzich the media. I really despise how they stir up fear!

If they hadn't gone over board reporting a few petrol stations who were without fuel, for a day or so, which sometimes happens, we wouldn't now be in this state.

@Berrybunchfamily so true! It's the same all over the world. I rarely watch the news I feel I get the true from the underground house church here on DD!

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