So I feel like an old man...but an old man with some colour :-) 🤣

At least I can get a little more independence, as the silver foil blister packs my pills come in, are a reliable source of me cutting myself...on blood thinners, that would be really rather unpleasant as it often takes me a good 10 minutes to stop the bleeding when my bleed is not being chemically thinned!!! Once my family load this bad boy up, I'll be able to safely take them myself!

Meanwhile the scary photo is me not shaving at the end of week 1

Hopefully, we'll get hair cuts this evening (once Jo finishes for the day) which may help with my appearance.....

...I said maybe!!

There's always hope 😂

Andy B


@Berrybunchfamily Andy, think Teddy bear!
My youngest daughter, Lisa, loved her teddy, named, Teddy, he went everywhere for years! I told her she was going to grow up and marry someone hairy.....and she did🤣🤣😂 greatest gift to her, he's awesome.

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