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I believe we should have both heart and head knowledge of the Word of God . Thus our responses to our life W0situations are based on the Word of God which has renewed our mind and heart. The Holy Spirit will prompt us.

Hello,Family of God...aka Dingdasherians....I have a ❓...let's have a conversation....

Hello.... Dingdasherians!
My Wife and I just wanna say "Hello".... sorry we couldn't send a live videoπŸ™...but hey...just a few days left before we do!!! (Video feature coming to the Ding, soon) 😌🀭Shalom!

Isa 41:13-14 ISV 13 β€œFor I am the LORD your God, who takes hold of your right hand, who says to you, β€˜Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you. 14 Don’t be afraid, you little worm Jacob, and you insects of Israel! I myself will help you,’ declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.”

I had a similar experience in Turkey! A young man walked into a cafe where I was having my very first small Bible study. He introduced himself as, "My name is Yasmin, and I'm Tunisian and I live in France. Isa told me in a dream to come to Antakya." So he got on a plane, got a hotel room down the street, and walked in!
It took me a minute to lift my jaw off the floor. We shared Christ with him for several days, then he left and I never saw him again.

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