😭🥺It wasnt a bomb blast as wrongly reported....but Gunmen! (Please, viewer discretion as you open the link)
John G. Lake’s Secrets Of Divine Healing
1. Destroy sacred cows concerning sickness and power.
2. Recognize sickness and disease as an enemy.
3. Get Fed Up.
4. Treat all sickness the same.
5. Treat all sickness like a person.
6. Command not beg.
7. Speak to the problem – not to others about the problem.
8. See people as oppressed prisoners of war.
9. Get clean – stay clean.
10. Stay out of pride – anyone could do what you are doing.
11. Be aggressive – develop your aggressiveness.
12. Be led by God’s character and nature.
13. Accept responsibility for your fellow man.
14. Decide to obey the Bible, not some arbitrary feeling.
15. Know that God is with you, in you, and for you.
From the 101 Series:
2Co 5:17 T4T The fact is that God makes every one of us who trusts in Christ to be completely different than we were before. Our old way of conducting our lives is gone. We now have a completely new way of conducting our lives. #ElementaryDoctrine
Hey, People of God...be encouraged! 😍
“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
— Hebrews 1:9 #HoldtheLine
Been in the field...just returned home. Souls won...rural workers trained..new works started!
Thank you dear Andy for your Love and support!
Your care makes me rich..really got past millionaire status when I met You!!!