
Aftermath of Terrorists shooting at a
Catholic church in South West Nigeria this Pentecost Sunday. Injured were rushed to hospital....these are those shot dead .
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@Olamide oh my goodness!!!😭😭😭 I can't imagine the horror of this happening, of witnessing this happening to your fellow brothers and sisters while worshipping together! I pray for your country and the believers there and for those that haven't heard the life giving gospel yet! I pray for safety for you and your family. I pray for the hearts of those you will be bringing the gospel to, that their hearts will be ready to receive the gospel and believe!
Hugs to you Ollie!!

@Olamide Father in Heaven .. I pray your love & consolation for the families of these martyrs! I pray your mercy on the captured pastor! I pray for the terrorists that they would repent & find forgiveness in Jesus the Christ!

@Olamide 😭😭😭
these are my brothers and sisters.

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