Friday evening and it’s been worth every moment following Christ! Put your trust in Jesus and let Him be your guide! Jesus will never fail you, He is just a prayer away! Come to Jesus tonight! There is Hope for you, come just as you are!
Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! By looking up you will see the victory, looking down you only see defeat. Come unto Jesus Christ today! Christ is the answer! Put your trust in Jesus Christ! There is still Hope for you!
Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! You are one step closer too eternity, are you right with God? The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life! Come unto Jesus Christ today! Jesus loves you!
Wednesday evening and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Praise God there is victory for everyone who comes to Jesus! There is praise in Heaven for every soul that repents and turns from their sins! Jesus is continually calling you, put your trust in God Today!
Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Shame and sorrow are the results of sin. Hope and the gift of full Salvation are the results of following Jesus! Come unto Jesus Christ today, put your trust in Jesus while you can!
Tuesday evening and His Grace is real! There is not a battle to great for God! There is not a valley to deep! There is not a mountain of suffering to high! God’s Grace is so much greater! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, there is Hope for you!
Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Satan will suppress you and beat you down, leaving you hopeless. Jesus Christ will give you new life and forever be by your side giving you Hope for your day! Come unto Jesus Christ today!
Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! The sun is arising on a new day! The mercies of the Lord are new every morning! Put your trust in Jesus this morning, let Him fill you with His love! Come unto Jesus Christ today!
Sunday evening and God loves you! If you are struggling with insecurities of the future, come unto Jesus Christ! God knows the path before you! Put your trust in Jesus Christ tonight!
Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! You may be weary after coming through the storm but God’s sustaining grace will keep you! Rest in His presence and recharge! Keep praying, keep trusting and keep encouraged in God’s Love!
Saturday evening and God’s Grace is still real! Grace reaches beyond your deepest sin! Jesus applies Grace upon Grace to your deepest need! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight, let Him apply Grace to your heart!
Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Put your trust in Jesus today and soon you will see the Light of Jesus burning through the fog! There is Salvation in none other than Jesus Christ! Come unto Jesus Today! God loves you!
Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! There will be many interferences along the way but none that Christ has not overcome! As long as you keep your eyes on Jesus there is not a battle He will not help you through! Come to Jesus today!
Saturday evening and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Trust and obey for there is no other way! Put your trust in Christ Jesus tonight! Jesus will comfort and strengthen you as you walk with Him! Christ is the answer in this world of chaos!
Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is waiting at the crossroad where you left Him. If you take one step towards Him, He will come running to you! Jesus is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life!
Friday evening War Update: It is time for America to humble herself and turn from her sins! America is on a downward spiral too the point of no return, unless she turns to Christ! There is still Hope for you tonight, come too Christ while you can! Pray!
Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! In Jesus you will find the Hope that will not fade with time! As time passes this Hope grows brighter and brighter! Do you know Jesus? Do you have a relationship with Christ?
Thursday evening War Update: What is cluttering your vision? What is keeping you from walking in the Light that God has given you? God’s way is the best way! Jesus is continually calling you, will you put your trust in Him tonight? Jesus is the Light!