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Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! For God so loved you that that He gave His Son to redeem you! Jesus is continually calling you, come just as you are! Take that first step today, towards Jesus and He will come running to you!

Thursday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! Have your struggles gotten you down? Have you failed yet again? Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! God gives Grace upon Grace, over and over again He is faithful! Put your trust in Jesus!

Thursday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Is your life built on the Rock of Christ? Have you given your heart to Jesus? The invitation still remains, put your trust in Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you, come just as you are!

Wednesday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! When it seems life is filled with trials and pain, God’s Grace increases too meet your needs! Put your trust in Christ Jesus tonight! His Grace is sufficient for you! Christ is the answer!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you discouraged, has sin left you empty? Come unto Jesus Christ today! Jesus will fill the void in your heart and life! As long as there is life there is Hope! Christ is the answer! Let Jesus fill you!

Tuesday evening and God’s Grace is still sufficient! His Grace is greater than all your sin! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight and let Him apply Grace to your heart! God’s Grace is sufficient for you and all your needs!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! When it seems you cannot go on, look to Jesus the giver of life! There is strength and power in the Name of Jesus! Come all of you that are weary and worn and find rest in Jesus Christ today!

Monday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient! Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle, the answer is on the way! God’s Grace is sufficient for you tonight, just come too Jesus as you are! No soul is too lost for Grace!

Pinky1776 boosted

@bethany Father, we ask in the name of your beloved Son:

strengthen your people in China (and North Korea). Give them Grace abuntantly to withstand the temptations of the easier, communist way of false Christianity. Be their everything!

Also, prepare your people in the west for persecution. We are fat and distracted and rather argue about theological differences than facing the coming darkness. Lord, forgive us and be OUR everything again!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Jesus is still calling, have you heard His voice? Today is the day of Salvation, come just as you are! Christ offers Hope in this world of sorrow and sin! Come unto Jesus Christ today!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Are you weary and your burdens heavy? Come unto Jesus Christ this morning! Jesus gives rest to the weary and strength to the weak! There is still Hope for you today!

Wednesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Let not your heart be troubled, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! Put your trust in Jesus today! Begin a relationship with Jesus Christ the friend of sinners! There is still Hope for you today!

Tuesday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient for you! Are you tired of carrying your burdens all alone? Jesus promised rest for the weary and new life to the hopeless! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! Put your trust in Christ alone!

Tuesday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! He reaches out to the most defiled offering Hope to those that put their trust in Christ! Have you put your trust in Jesus this morning? Today is the day of Salvation! There is Hope for you!

Monday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient! Through the storms and battles God’s Grace is abundantly applied! Come unto Jesus Christ tonight! Give Jesus your everything! There is still Hope for you! Come just as you are and Christ will meet you!

Monday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! A new week, with new battles, yet God knows the path before you! Are you seeking Him? Jesus Christ is the only answer! Put Jesus first today and you will not be disappointed! Jesus loves you!

Sunday evening and God’s Grace is sufficient! Jesus will reach down too you, wherever your at, or regardless of how broken you are to bring hope and healing! There is still Hope for you tonight! Put your trust in Jesus Christ alone!

Sunday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Oh worship the King all glorious above and gratefully sing of His Love! Can you sing this morning of His Grace? Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you in Jesus Christ!

Saturday evening and God’s Love reaches beyond your greatest fears and struggles! Jesus is continually calling you too put your trust in Him! Are you free from your burden of sin? Do you know Jesus? There is still Hope for you tonight!

Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! A Hope that does not fade with the passing of time! If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, come unto Him today! Jesus is continually calling you, come as you are today!

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