This is sooo me when Jesus helps me out of a ditch.
@sinbach do you mean before you were Born Again when you were in Romans 7:14-24 falling back into sin or do you mean falling into problems in this world? So sad and funny at the same time 😂
@SCWatchman I mean "that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."
@sinbach hmm. The video shows a sheep being pulled out of the ditch only to jump and fall into the ditch again a little further down the path. But in 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul was talking about how he was a great sinner in the past because he had blasphemed Jesus and persecuted the Disciples of Jesus Christ. We see this in verse 13 & 16 where he talked about "obtaining mercy" because he had done it in ignorance and unbelief.
But you are not in unbelief brother. You are tirelessly helping to support the Disciples of Jesus Christ.
I can see if you are getting yourself into trouble helping people and Jesus has to rescue you often. 😊
@sinbach This is my testimony of how He saved me from my sins