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@sinbach Prince Harry's great granddaddy King George III hired assassins to murder the American preachers who sent remonstrances excommunicating the king of England from Christendom for his Sins against America. Jefferson didn't write the Declaration of Independence from scratch, he compiled the remonstrances and edited them into that single document. Patrick Henry himself gave his famous declaration "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" after witnessing a preacher whipped to death after refusing to take a license from the king to preach the Gospel.

I make custom T-shirts etc.
Check out my latest designs and let me know if I can design something for you.

🙏🏼 REPENT 🙏🏼
Jesus said that unless you Repent of your Sins you will perish in Hell.
Repentance is not just Regret that you did wrong or Remorse that you have hurt others. Repentance is making the choice to turn away from your Sin and to God.

Believing and Calling on the LORD Jesus Christ alone to Save you FROM your Sins.
Jesus said that you must be Baptized in water to enter the kingdom of God. This is not something that someone else can do for you and you cannot do it for yourself.
You must Surrender to Jesus and let Him Baptize you.


Jesus came to pick a fight against the false religions of the world. He came to Destroy the works of the devil. He came to Destroy the Sin Nature and to bury it forever in Baptism and raise man from the dead and make him a Son of God.

Jesus came to save His people FROM their Sins (Matthew 1:21). Anyone who Sins doesn't know Him (1 John 3:6). If He saves you FROM Sin you will be Free indeed (John 8:34-36). Repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the Remission of your Sins and you will receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) and He will live in you for you and through you and cause you to walk in His statutes, and you will keep His judgments, and do them. (Ezekiel 36:27).

After paying into the system for years, BTJ Workers in China have now been told "Deny Christ or lose your social benefits."

I know that my hope is found
In the name of Jesus

You say You're working
Everything for my good, and
I believe every word

'Cause even in the madness
There is peace
Drowning out the voices all around me
Through all of this chaos
You are writing a symphony

@DevotionalTreasures joint pain I rebuke you now in Jesus's name. Go and do not ever come back.

@farmerjohn because the church is not comfort or buildings. Those things can be idols. If Christians are not willing to meet in a park or in a home then the people who they meet with in a church building are not their brethren. Ether they or those they meet with are not Born Again. Born Again Christians want desperately to be with their family as much as possible whether it is illegal or not.

@sinbach Beyond this I wish to call attention to the fact that Paul was writing in Romans 7:14-24 in the first person present tense about when he was a pharisee & in the flesh(Romans 7:5). Paul confirms this in Romans 8:9 when he says, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

@sinbach I am praying for you every time I get on DingDash. Yes, I no longer Sin but do not applaud me, it is a work of the Holy Spirit & not anything that I did. I was a porn addict. I didn't conquer &/or overcome my porn addiction. I couldn't. I was a hopeless slave of sin(John 8:34-36). Jesus did it. He buried the human/sin nature that I had in baptism on (Feb 7th 2016) & raised me up a son of God (new creature) with the nature of Jesus. It was not over time. It was like Mary said in The Chosen. "I was one way before & now I am completely different & the thing that happened in between was Him" ( 13:15-1:05:17). I can never go back because the Holy Spirit remains in me(1 John 3:9), I am one spirit with Him(1 Cor 6:17) & like it says in Ezek 36:27 He "causes me" to keep His commandments & judgments & do them. This is what was prophesied by the LORD in Hosea, "I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD." -Hos 2:20

The World Economic Forum is endorsing this Smart Mask that monitors the wearer's breathing and tells them when to take a breath or clean the mask.

@sinbach hmm. The video shows a sheep being pulled out of the ditch only to jump and fall into the ditch again a little further down the path. But in 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul was talking about how he was a great sinner in the past because he had blasphemed Jesus and persecuted the Disciples of Jesus Christ. We see this in verse 13 & 16 where he talked about "obtaining mercy" because he had done it in ignorance and unbelief.
But you are not in unbelief brother. You are tirelessly helping to support the Disciples of Jesus Christ.
I can see if you are getting yourself into trouble helping people and Jesus has to rescue you often. 😊

@sinbach do you mean before you were Born Again when you were in Romans 7:14-24 falling back into sin or do you mean falling into problems in this world? So sad and funny at the same time 😂

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