@sinbach I now love turkey jerky
@sinbach I am a Cheetos man for life!
@tolakim He reigns!!!
By A.W. Tozer
To take Jesus Christ into your life without reservation is to accept His friends as your friends and to know that His enemies will be your enemies! It means that we accept His rejection as our rejection. We knowingly accept His cross as our cross. If you then find yourself in an area where Christ has no friends, you will be friendless-except for the one Friend who will stick closer than a brother. I made up my mind a long time ago. Those who declare themselves enemies of Jesus Christ must look upon me as their enemy, and I ask no quarter from them! And if they are friends of Christ they are my friends-and I do not care what color they are or what denomination they belong to. If the preachers would faithfully tell the people what it actually means to receive Christ and obey Him and live for Him, we would have fewer converts backsliding and foundering. Preachers who are not faithful one day will stand before the judgment seat of Chris!
@markinformer Their up is down, their down is up! They live in a parallel dimension of twisted truths and dimentia
@patriot1315 God shut Noah in the ark!
God opened the door for Noah and his family at the appointed time!! The ark protected Noah, his family and the animals from the death that lurked outside the ark.
Something to keep in mind...
Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a Government, which we might expect in a country without Government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.
Thomas Paine “Common Sense” 1776
@Lindseyay I use the Year Bible, gives me Old Testament reading, New Testament reading, one Psalm and a Proverb reading
@sinbach following the German Nazi model of Hitler era
@sinbach oh yes! Cracking back the ol time machine