@bethany was looking for your original note to comment but couldn’t find it.

Ran across this written in my Bible this morning re scripture resting in the Lord and waiting patiently for Him (from Bill Johnson):

“Patiently has 2 meanings, 1 pain in childbirth 2 whirling in the air in dance. Both of these activities require incredible focus and strength.

We are to wait on God w/unflinching resolve & focus much like Jacob had when he wrestled w/angel. Same can be said of Elisha contending for Elijah’s mantle.

Intense focus restricts what you are willing and able to see, keeping you from seeing many things while opening your eyes to see more of what you hunger for.

Self control is not the ability to say no to a thousand other voices. It’s the ability to say yes to the one thing so completely that there’s nothing left to give to the other options.”

Thought that was so good ... we are to engage with God and actively wait patiently for the Lord, not falling into passivity.

Thanks for sharing about the healing. To God be the glory \°°/
God bless you and your mother with His shalom. May He make His face shine upon you and give you favor in Jesus name.
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