@StevenBerry ya know I used to attend a church that started to believe that Christmas had pagan roots and we should not have any of it in the building. It became another “rule” another thing on the list of “solid Christians don’t do this ....
I just could not understand it. I then became convinced that we should be maximizing the holiday. Here is our culture that will play songs, acknowledge Jesus as part of a societal event and I as a Christian am going to refuse? I just could not. So I max it

@Freedtobeaman @StevenBerry the one time of year in the UK when people are actually, properly, so very receptive to hearing the Gospel Message?....definitely one to seize with all we have!

My first Christingle was preaching to nearly 800 people in a large Anglican Church.

They all left knowing there was a real and loving God who wanted a relationship with them, and experienced the full gospel (I never skip an opportunity when it is given to me on a plate, ready to serve!)

Andy B

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