What's going on with some (ex) celebrities in Los Angeles? Is California a harsher place than other states? There are too many Hollywood celebrities that die young, who overdose, who are addicted to different things etc. They have everything (fame, money) - but are distressed and unhappy. Some seem to be under demonic oppression. Did they sell their soul to Mammon, and then lost everything? We don't have anything like Hollywood in the Nordic countries, we don't have as many extremely rich people and so much luxury, or as many people living in poverty or as homeless as there. We don't have as much illegal drugs here. I don't see homeless people in Finland - I sometimes see drug addicts in the streets, but they have homes or shelters, and I've never seen someone here sleeping in tents or in the street. I'm always a little shocked when I hear about someone that has been a celebrity, and has ended up in the street. The contrasts are so stark!



@tanjaostman Hi again, I wanted to comment on the actual article that you posted from the Daily Mail. Tanja, I know you love the Lord and this is in no way a criticism of you personally. You are a sister in Christ! This is an indictment of the Daily Mail for publishing such an article:

If I could speak to them personally, I would tell them that this article is totally sensationalist and it is clear from the way that it was written that the motivation for writing it is to capitalize on the number of views they will receive because they are exposing the downfall of a famous ex-model. I would explain to them that the detail they went into documenting this is repulsive for lack of a better term. They are well aware that thousands will be drawn into reading this kind of article.

I would explain to them that we live in a world that defines success in terms of money & fame which is a lie. I would share the good news of the Gospel with them.

Thank you very much for letting me share.

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