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A stray splash of sunlight glows softly on the side of a pale red brick wall during a tranquil sunset one calm summer evening.

The plain, geometric composition of this image permits the binary colour palette to draw the viewer's attention to the mildly ethereal blend of its two complementary colours. A vibrant blue, the dominating colour, is sharply contrasted by aΒ subdued shade of yellow, giving the picture a dual ambience that is both enchantingly unusual and comfortably restful.

Another ideal wallpaper I think - textured, yet plain. The spotted shade cast by a tree above working in conjunction with the scattered debris conveys a simple, rustic ambience blended delicately with refreshing, summertime undertones.

Weather-beaten roof tiles on an old barn in the English countryside.
I do love the character of some old buildings.

"In the Corner of My Eye" πŸ‘οΈ
Some stray sunlight peeking through the curtains onto a chest of drawers.

A friendly little chap who came over to check on the quality of my gardening the other day.
(Here, it is actually perched on the handle of the lawnmower).

This is what some refer to as 'experimental' photography. It's a great way to turn mundane objects into interesting subjects, just like this ordinary telegraph pole.
1/320th sec, F6.3, ISO100

I love the simple, unpretentious beauty of rolling green hills. With a luscious field of grass below and a textured overcast sky above, this scene was just too good to miss.
1/800th sec, F4.0, ISO100

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

Now, I'm no botanist 🌸, but based on my research, I believe these flowers are from a Clematis Montana, a common climbing plant.
This particular plant was located just outside our front doorπŸšͺ, and so travelling to the shooting location did not require an inordinate amount of energy. Nevertheless, I think the gruelling trek was made worthwhile by the view of these beautiful flowers. 😏

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

"Ace of Hearts"
Everyone's always saying we should recycle more ♻️. So, rather than throwing away a box of perfectly good shredded paper that we had lying around, I decided to use it to create an interesting background.
I positioned a playing card on the shredded paper and buried it a little, and I desaturated and darkened the paper in post-editing to make the card stand out dramatically.

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

See a common theme? Yep - insects. πŸžπŸπŸ¦‹
Photographing insects is relatively easy; they aren't as skittish as birds 🐦, nor as reclusive as rodents πŸ¦”, nor as shy as deer 🦌, and they can be found almost anywhere. That's why it's quite fun to shoot them. Plus, you typically have a great deal more time to frame your shot than you would with a bird or other animal.
In order from left to right, their titles are "A Handful", "Patience Is a Virtue", and "Colour In a Grey World". Or is that last one too dramatic? πŸ€”
For anyone interested in the technical details:
1/320s, F3.2, ISO200 - 1/30s, F3.2, ISO100 - 1/125s, F3.5, ISO100

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

"Time to Bloom"
Does anyone else get that summertime vibe when beautiful, colourful flowers start to pop up everywhere, swaying delicately in the cool breeze under a pristine, rich blue sky? 🌼🌷🌀️ Well, I know I do, and for me, this image epitomises that summertime feeling. β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž
It was taken in my rear garden about six months ago. In the midmorning sun 🌞, the small number of flowers in the flowerbed were pleasingly backlit 🌻. Making the most of the marvellous lighting, I photographed dozens of flowers from a variety of angles, but this was by far my favourite.
Exposure settings:
1/1250s, F3.2, ISO100

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

I'd like to say that I put a great deal of time and preparation into achieving this shot. However, in reality, I just happened to have my camera on me πŸ“· (while eating lunch at the dining room table 🍱) when I noticed what I perceived to be a rather interesting subject: my glass, illuminated sharply by the bright sun from behind. 🌀️
I increased the contrast a great deal to create a dramatic look and made the picture monochrome to emphasise the shades, shapes, and textures.
By the way, for anyone who's interested, here are the technical details of the photo:
1/40s, F6.9, ISO100

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

"The Last Wave"
As the tide began to come in and the sun began to set, it was as if the world was closing for the night. 🌍 πŸŒ’
This lonely wave 🌊 slowly made its way toward the shore, finally coming to rest on the sand, gently laying itself out on the soft ground as a child on their bed πŸ›Œ, as the light of the sun gradually faded below the still horizon πŸŒ…, until the colour of the sky faded to a dull grey, marking the arrival of dusk.

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

It's a surreal experience, when one visits a place and sees the footprints of thousands, if not tens of thousands of people from over the years - feeling what so many have felt 😌, seeing what so many have seen 😐, standing where so many have stood🧍.
Mind you, at the time of this shoot, I was rather too concerned with maintaining my own body temperature in the icy wind 😬. Still, I suppose if I had been feeling all philosophical and nostalgic at the time, I might have thought about all of that. πŸ™„

Β© 2022 TakeN Photography

So, I went for a 5km run for the first time in around 2 months yesterday. It was not easy, but I made it, in spite of vehement objections from my body the whole way. 😩
I did take one or two short breaks along the way though and took a couple of photos, to capture some of the beautiful scenery.
Sunshine and blue skies β˜€οΈ, rolling hills and green fields 🌾, a fresh, cool breeze 🌬️, and a quiet, smooth open road - what more could could one desire of a running route? 😌

"A Fine Evening"
When you think of a day at the beach, you probably imagine white sand, blue skies, and warm sunshine. πŸ–οΈ But a typical day at the beach in England is usually slightly different - below 10Β°C, strong gusts of wind, and mostly overcast.
But I love it; I never tire of walking along the  beach, hearing the sound of waves gently breaking onto the shore, the dark, still sheet of cloud hanging above me, and the cool, fresh, sea air whirling about my ears, refreshing my lungs, and invigorating my mind. 😌
Anyway, my thoughts run away with me sometimes πŸ™„ πŸ’­. As I was saying, here is a photo I took recently at a wonderful beach in typically British weather.
I hope you like it, otherwise I hiked for 3Β½ hours, over rough terrain and through a biting wind, for nothing πŸ˜….

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