
On any given spiritual topic, there are myriads of opinions, accompanied by various Scripture references. This often leads the serious seeker to seek out an authoritative standard or voice to cut through the confusion.
The obvious solution is to "go back to the roots." But this means different things to different people.
Some go back to their childhood church, some to their denomination headquarters. Others seek out text by "fathers of the faith," or historical liturgy and tradition by long established institutions.
But there is only one true Root... The Root of Jesse, the Word made flesh, the Godhead in bodily form, the Cornerstone, the Good Shepherd, the Door, the King of kings, Lord of lords, Emmanuel, the Righteous Judge, the Savior of the world.
Yeshua hamashiach!
I have to believe that the Holy Spirit will guide me into all truth as I read the Gospels because they tell of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

@Toddkapper, Amen and Amen! Rejoicing in our One, True Room! Well- said. May all He calls see this and live in His glorious reality!

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