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Toddkapper boosted

I’ve been having serious pain in my lower stomach. Having CT scan on Monday. Appreciate your prayers.

I was once a man trapped in a woman's body.

For 9 months.

Then I got delivered.

At the Sabina movie with my niece.
Is it wrong for a Christian to use a Christian organization's smuggler hat to smuggle snacks into a Christian movie that features smuggling?
I didn't do it, just asking for a friend.

Have you seen the movie, "Tortured for Christ?" Or read the book?
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, from Romania.
A new movie is coming next week in theaters about his wife, Sabina.
Here's a link to find a location near you.

Have the Aurora borealis been strong in Sweden and Norway this year? Last week, it was supposed to be visible here in the US. It's on my bucket list to see it.

When you have things to do, but he is just too cute to disturb. He has pretty much assumed this position since I've returned from Europe. (Only bird people understand)

Toddkapper boosted

Demonstrably false.
FB doesn't flag it.
Be honest and open Facebook.
Be DingDash

It's always good to see friends and meet new people! Had a wonderful time in Denmark!
Now headed back into the loving wings of my little bird. Lol

I'm in Denmark now and my friend has written an encouraging book based on 10 true stories.
Free download

When and where is the next BTJ hackers conference?

I've been travelling in Europe for almost 2 months now and I have a good laugh every time I am required to show proof of vax. It's just a piece of paper that I could have printed myself, with hand written names and dates... No watermark, stamp, website, QR code...
My friends are shocked when they see it. Not one country, coffee shop, museum, shopping mall, etc... has denied me entry.
Europeans need the QR code.
So funny!

According to this report, Hungary is being an example for all nations!

It's my last day in France. Headed to Turkey tomorrow!

Just for a laugh...
I miss my little bird. He is staying wth his grandma while I'm traveling.

I've been hanging out with some Afghani refugees while here in France. All men. Part of me says, "Why did you leave the women and children behind and come alone?"
Then I hear their stories about how they got here. Walking for days with no food, kidnapped, beaten by police, etc...
Some have been away from family for years, trying to get accepted by some country.
One young man told me today that if he were in Afghanistan now, he would be killed.
It's hard to imagine what it's like to be in their shoes

I didn't realize that France is suppressive regarding freedom of speech. There are actual police whose job it is to monitor churches for speech that they deem against minorities, LGBT, and against the government itself. Claiming that "Jesus is the only way" is considered hate speech and could subject you to arrest.

I wonder if anyone out there is making fake QR code health passes in Europe yet?

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