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Hello friends! After getting caught up in a whirlwind, I'm back with a blog post that is a MUST read for every Christian! In this post you'll take a peak into what God has been teaching me over the past seven months and be challenged to walk in a greater level of love. Let's see lives transformed together! P.S. I have an exciting announcement for what's coming next for The Overcomers! Stay tuned!

: 2 years ago this day we posted "Free PDF and Review: Engaging Critical Theory and the Social Justice Movement" (resources against Critical Theory)

I took a bike ride right before sunset. It was worth it. Can you spot the swan?

The Lord has been encouraging me to let go of everything. Once I let go of everything, then He will be able to guide me into my destiny. Once I am stripped of everything of this world, then the Kingdom will be able to move through me.
Why are we (am I) so afraid to let it go? It is God's good purpose to move the Kingdom through us. Once we let our dreams, desires and goals go, then the Lord can fulfill the desires of our heart. Sodium Fluoride toxicity and dangers. Fluoride ends up in your bran and damage your immune system. You are exposed to them by drinking unfiltered tap water, taking pharmaceutical medicines, getting a vaccine or using fluoride toothpaste. Getting fluoride out of your drinking water and body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems to clear up naturally.    

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