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My heart goes out to all the Chinese brothers and sisters here. Once again, the face so much persecution. They face a lot of family pressure if they are believers. Children are not allowed to go to the church service, but that doesn’t stop godly parents from taking them. It’s a whole different world over here in China, one where the choice to be a Christian can be costly. We pray for a wonderful revival here, and we pray for the people that we see day today as we go about our business. There can be so much oppression spiritually that sometimes my heart feels so heavy. But it’s nothing compared to what God feels. Imagine watching my children walk away from the Lord? It would be so painful and as I consider his heart for the lost people of China, who don’t know about his love and freedom, I can only imagine it is the pain I would feel multiplied multiplied and then again multiplied. If you live in a country where there is freedom, don’t take it for granted. Tell people about Jesus!

Jesus said to them,

“Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”

John 21:10

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