Girls of Joy: Rescued Women in Need of Housing and Facing Re-enslavement, and Even the Possibility of Death!
25 women have been rescued from trafficked and enslaved lives, yet due to a recent natural disaster, their lives are in danger in a S. Asian nation. They are in dire need of housing yet must remain in hiding due to immense persecution and don’t have the finances to pay for new housing. Help support these women and save them from the enemy’s hand.
India's 'village of widows' - SCMP
> The state of Rajasthan produces 70 percent of the sandstone in India. Much of it is exported overseas to countries like Germany and the United Kingdom for use in construction and landscaping. But many of the labourers who work in Rajasthan's sandstone mines have paid a deadly price. In the village of Budhpura, the majority of men have died from a lung disease called silicosis. The place has become known as the "village of widows".
#Apologetics response to an objection to #God and #Christianity:
Prayer for SlimJim’s Teaching Trip September 2024
#Christianity #Ministry
Psalm Sunday Recap (119:113-120) Samekh
Waiting In The Dark
Psalm Sunday (119:120)
Biblical Support for #Church Congregational Authority: Table of Contents
#Christianity #Ministry #Bible
#Book Review: Interpreting the Pauline Letters: An Exegetical Handbook
#Christianity #Bible #Exegesis #Hermeneutics