If you are still looking for Presuppositional #Apologetics books, check out our recommended #books from 2022 as well: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2022/11/25/christmas-recommended-books-on-presuppositional-apologetics-for-2022/
Spurgeon's Evening - 22nd December
This #Sunday at #Church: #Pray for the sermon series on Old Testament Narratives and the Coming #Christ I taught overseas would be used by #God
#Bible #Prophecies #Jesus #Christ https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/12/15/this-sunday-at-church-pray-for-the-sermon-series-on-old-testament-narratives-and-the-coming-christ-i-taught-overseas-would-be-used-by-god/
God bless you and your family on this Lord's Day 🙏
Here's how you can get this e-book, The Birth of #Christ: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2022/12/19/free-pdf-and-review-the-birth-of-christ/
@DevotionalTreasures Very good thank you .. I pray God bless you & Keep you & your family!
Psalm Sunday (119:135)
Spurgeon's Evening 21st December
Thank you Richard, God bless you today brother 🙏
Thanks WHY?Outreach for making this meme! The #apologetics article is about this problem with the Skeptic Annotated #Bible when there's not an awareness of the original languages: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2022/01/04/ignorance-of-the-biblical-language-and-the-skeptic-annotated-bible/
@DevotionalTreasures excellent
Theological #Book Review: The #Trinitarian #Theology of Cornelius Van Til
#Christianity #Trinity #Apologetics https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2024/11/27/review-the-trinitarian-theology-of-cornelius-van-til/
Spurgeon's Evening - 20th December