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The rich unfiltered colors of fall and the light winter winds from the sea bring happiness to my bones.

To be is easy for me to believe anything a man with that mustache says.

Grateful Why?Outreach made this meme which is for our post fact-shaming the skeptic's lie against the : Homeopathy for Weight Loss works really well because homeopathy is all about balance. It balances your hormones which prevent hormonal weight gain and turns on your hormones that cause your fat cells to be used as energy and not storage. It naturally balances your hormones that control weight gain or weight loss. Activating your brown fat cells naturally boosts your metabolism even as you sleep. Diet and Exercise is important, but lean muscle mass and natural weight loss that lasts is really all about your hormones. And that's where homeopathy excels!


Christianity is not consistency to conscience or to convictions; Christianity is being true to Jesus Christ.

from Biblical Ethics, 111 L

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