I finally got in touch with my brother in Asheville, NC today. It is not good there, but he and his wife are safe. No electricity or running water. Gasoline is not available.

Please pray for pastors and believers in Orissa State, India.
A large gathering of Hindu people is being planned for August 23rd. Their goal is to replicate and increase the persecution, church burnings, and murder they did in 2008.
Pastors are evacuating Khandmal District.
They are going door to door with flyers to invite and incite people for a 100% Hindu state.

After scripture graphic please post everywhere. We Stand With Israel-Help CMM Bless Members and Friends in Israel, Refugees and Care for IDF Families and Those Affected by War! CMM loves Israel and God's promises and purposes in the Holy Land. Help us care for victims of war along with trusted CMM friends feeding the poor, providing needed equipment for the IDF, refugees making Aliyah, and key ministry members of CMM who live and serve in Israel cmmworld.kindful.com/?campaign

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