

Father, we come before You today humbled and in awe of Your grace and mercy. Lord, we thank You for the way You have designed what a family is supposed to look like and the specific roles You have ordained to a mother and a father of how to lead their children. It's for the fathers, families and children that we do pray today. Lord we pray specifically for fathers and fatherhood. Your Word clearly instructs fathers to bring up their children in the discipline and the instruction of the Lord. *EPHESHIANS 6:4* We pray that You will continue to empower and strengthened fathers. We pray for wisdom, protection, strength and discernment to help them through whatever trials they may be facing. Thank You Lord for these men and please guard their minds in Christ Jesus, help meet all their needs . Finally, God Your Word says that You will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of their children to their fathers. *MALACHI 4:6*

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