I posted a little while ago about the crisis regarding a shortage of truck drivers in the UK, & asking me to go back

All I can say is I have a clean licence, time motivation, essential experience, am old enough, and have opportunity. I just don't have the stupid [EU legacy nonsense] CPC card (the one that lets you use the licence, that lets you use your driving licence - yep, that one)

I contacted some haulage firms, as did a friend of a friend, all of whom are DESPERATE for drivers.

But, it seems, that hauliers aren't interested in people like me. You know, over 25 years old, more than 2 years experience, and with a clean licence, and the opportunity to help the nation out during this crisis. I didn't even get replies from the ones I either phoned and had a telephone conversation with, or wrote to.

Can you think of any other situations recently where the government and media may have, similarly, magnified a real, but 'overcomeable' problem, into a global crisis?

@Berrybunchfamily how's the situation with fuel where you're at down south? Any better?

@bethany Our local garage doesn't seem to have any restrictions at present, although it might be out - I didn't look super closely as I was cycling past few earlier..

Our local, bigger, Tesco had queues of about 60-80 cars.......that was two days ago


@Berrybunchfamily okay, it sounds like maybe things are calming down for you a little now?
Things don't seem too bad up here, though I don't live in a city - things may be different there

@bethany my understanding is that the SE is an utter nightmare......

@bethany but you do have pudding, chips and gravy...anything south of stoke and it becomes watery, gloopy brown stuff, pies and, well, sometimes chips...ask for a pudding and you'll get stared at like you just said you're not getting vaccinated 😜 😂

@Berrybunchfamily 😂 well soon enough you'll be able to enjoy all of that when you guys move up north

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