Good morning peoples around the world.

Washing on the line and a s come load in the machine. The dishwasher is purring away. Got Jo a coffee in a flask for Jo to take with her, who is already beavering away in her office (with her lovely new team - honestly, that warms my heart!)

My 2nd mug of earl grey tea is in my hand, and poached eggs on toast are about to be happily consumed.

A cycle is planned for later for me, and some looking over the two books I've currently got underway.

The day is well and truly underway!

Andy B


@Berrybunchfamily love the 'Answered Prayers' sign on the wall

@bethany we need a newer one

That's just the 'bigger' ones from 2019

We've seen a whole lot more since then 😊

Idea is straight out of War Room (Kendrick Brothers).

@bethany and that's a double sided log burner which I'd never seen before

We open the door at the far right and it heats the porch and upstairs too. If we don't open the door we start to's rather effective!

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