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Bethany boosted

My heart is full as I read the testimony. I am so thankful that prayer has NO EXPIRATION DATE. I know our prayers count and are recorded in heaven for the Father to answer in His timing and in His way. I take comfort in trusting the Holy Spirit to “clean up my prayers” where I may have prayed soulish prayers. May everyone who reads your post or my comment join as one and build a wall of prayer around China. As an intercessor, I ask that other intercessors join together and build walls of prayer for the nations. In addition to the USA and Israel, the Lord has given me the nations of China, North Korea, and Nigeria. If the Lord has given you a specific nation, would you share the name so we can petition the Lord for our prayer wall. God is faithful. He honored the vision for BTJ. He will honor that which He is birthing in us.

Bethany boosted

A lght is of no use unless it is shone on darkness and shared.

DAY 29 - Sister Jing

"The government may have killed my father and my grandfather. They may have tortured their families, but they could not kill the vision!"

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Lord God Almighty-God our Provider, You own the cattle on a thousand hills. You are creator of the heavens and the earth. Nothing is too hard for You. You hear the cries of Your people in NK. They hunger for physical food. They cry to You to intervene. Lord, You are all powerful. Come to their aid. Break down the barriers that are impeding the flow of food. As You brought down the walls of Jericho, bring down these walls. Bring true freedom for the precious people of NK. Lord, You know how much I love this nation. It’s one You gave me many years ago. May my prayers be as incense before You. My heart is so touched and burdened for the extreme hardship my brothers and sisters in Christ are going through. I cannot relate but I stand as one with them. We are one in the bond of love. May they know they are loved and not forgotten. Show Yourself strong on their behalf. I love You and glorify Your name, Amen.

Bethany boosted

Guys I can't give any details and I will not be posting this information on any other forum, but this week is really important to us at BTJ. we have Chinese pastors that have traveled to be together for the first time since the pandemic started last year. It is amazing to be with them and in prayer with them, but we need to plan the best way to support the church in China for this year. We do not want our own ideas, agendas, and thoughts to pollute what God has for us. Please pray for the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit during this time.

DAY 28 - today is a must read!

The BTJ training schools are not typical missionary training centers... Ruth did not know it, but she was going to be subjected to interrogation by a former US Marine.

Bethany boosted

DAY 27 - Sister Li

Sister Li sacrificed everything to follow the call of God to Tibet. Because of her sacrifice, many came to know Christ in the most unreached areas of China.

DAY 26 - Sister An

"When my leadership told me that it was time to go, I was put on an airplane and sent out. I didn't know where I was going or what I would be doing.”

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Dear Lord send out a new generation of "Gladys Aylwards" into the harvest fields, Amen. @sinbach @bethany

DAY 25 - Sister Grace He

Sister Grace, one of the original carriers of the BTJ vision decades ago, shares her personal testimony.

Bethany boosted

What is it like to be arrested in China?
Brother Ren recounts one of the times that he was arrested during a raid on a secret meeting

DAY 24 - Brother Yun

"You don’t need miracles in the West. You have insurance. You have insurance for your car, your house, and your health. So many Christians view Jesus as just another insurance plan."

DAY 23 - Pastor Joshua

"People are looking for answers and asking why China is having a revival when they are not. The answer is very simple. The leadership in China is fervently seeking after God in prayer."

Bethany boosted

When there is no other way, God can make a way.
They world has forgotten, but God has heard your prayers Yemen.

Bethany boosted

If only we in the West valued our Bibles as deeply as this brother. @bethany

DAY 22 - Brother Jacob

"I looked at each person individually, and while I was still in the spirit of prayer I asked them: “Are you willing to give everything to Him?"

DAY 21 - Pastor Zhang Rongliang

"Zhang, you must live and die with that Bible. No matter what, you must not allow them to take it from you".

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