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Bethany boosted


Urgent. Pray right away. I (mom) woke up to find Joshua laying beside me - in the middle of a seizure. His don’t shake. Instead he loses body control and can’t move or talk and his heart races etc. so they are basically silent with zero movement. And dangerous because of his type. Christina rushed to take over care of him while I went and mixed the emergency meds. Time is important.

We have given him his emergency medication. And see some small improvement already. But please pray if you see this.🥺🥺🥺🥺

Bethany boosted

About 18 months ago we started a little shop that sold women's accessories to women living in war torn areas of Iraq. No one really expected it to do much business, but women are simply amazing. Even during war, they still have an innate desire to be pretty and prepare for weddings, events, etc. Perhaps it brings a bit of normalcy to a horrible situation? IDK....
SALES SKYROCKETED. Little did we know that our small shop would grow SO much SO fast.
When we started, our shop was so small that we didn't even give it a name, but that little nameless shop has grown over 2,000% and is branching out and franchising into different nations - ALL with female management from war torn areas - and I am proud to announce that we NOW have a name...and it is the best name EVER:
MINNA - simply the prettiest name I know.

Bethany boosted

Spring has certainly arrived in Scotland, on that note I was thinking it won't be long until we see the first butterflies. That prompted this post about prayers.


Happy Sunday! ❤️ This Sunday morning I'm sat in church in total freedom... a full worship team on stage, the room full of people and the Word is being preached with no restriction. As I'm sat here, I can't help but think of our brothers and sisters around the world today who are totally unable to experience that same freedom. I pray I never become so distracted by my own comfort that my heart forgets to keep them in constant prayer.

This past week, more than a dozen Christians were arrested in China's latest house church raid. Keep the church and its members in your prayers 🙏🏼

Bethany boosted

with all those online purchases, did you know that you could support the underground house church without spending anything extra?
It is super simple. Don't waste another purchase.
Click here to learn how

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Thanks. CMM partner for prayers to provide food for kids this month, as many as 12 million children in Tanzania don't have enough food to eat..

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Missionaries in Myanmar: PART 1
“Dear loving Brethren,
I am writing this Report with a broken and trembling heart.My eye is filled with sadness and tears of hurt. First of all I want to beg you to pray for our safety and protection.
The military has taken control and is killing civilians. Everyday we needed to collect dead bodies on the road with tears and pains.Banks are being shut down, and it isn’t easy to get online.
Everywhere is filled with smoke and fire as factories are burned and destroyed.Thousands of people don’t have work,food,and a place to stay now.Almost all of our church members ran back to their village. There is neither market nor a shop where we can buy food because every road is blocked.How long will we last if it continues like this!?
Just a while ago, the soldiers’ truck came and stopped near our house. We were terrified; they captured six people who were having tea in the shop. God is my only Hope.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

"Visit many good books, but live in the Bible."
- Charles Spurgeon

Bethany boosted

Major dust storm blew in from Mongolia today! It was off the scales for the air quality monitors. Bad is 250. Today was 1899! Orphans from an orphanage we go to said children with respiratory issues needed to be on oxygen and one was rushed to emergency.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

@sinbach I recommend all intercessors read "Smuggling Light" for an insight into the depth of this problem.

Bethany boosted

The apostles' passionate obedience to the call of God is inspirational.
They knew they were risking their lives when they disobeyed the high priest and his officials by proclaiming Jesus publicly.
They had the "message of life!" How could they not declare it?
Threats didn't stop them. Arrest didn't contain them.
They were propelled by their love for Jesus,
their conviction that he had been raised from the dead,
and the call of their Lord to share his message with their lost friends, neighbors, and even enemies.
Acts 5:17-21

Bethany boosted

Saw a prayer request for N Korea @sinbach on Instagram. The very next post gave me hope and a prayer focus!!

Andy B

And... we've reached our final day!

"Then I heard the voice of the Father. When I was tied up and tortured, His voice gave me strength. When I was hungry and laying on the cold concrete floor, His love brought me warmth. The words of the Father brought me hope."

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