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Bethany boosted

From cover to cover the Bible reveals God’s heart for the nations and therefore his emphasis on mission. It has been said, if you take missions out of the Bible all you would have left is the cover. Join Charlie and Nathan as they discuss the importance of mission on this episode with special guest, missionary, author, and founder of Within Reach Global, David Joannes.

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If you have a spare hour today, listen to this podcast. If you don't, try and make time.

Honest, difficult, challenging and inspiring...

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Police raid house church during Christmas celebration....and what happens next is a HUGE warning ⚠️ for Covid testing.

Bethany boosted

One official church wanted to hold a Christmas event. This form has a stamp of all of the departments that had to approve it first.

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today is our final day. The Chinese government is taking every measure they can to stop the message of Christmas, but we stand together with the underground house church and pray that the message of Jesus Christ will not be silenced.

Today, on Christmas Eve, we light a candle and pray for the persecuted church in China.

Day 12:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE ELEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a burden for the people of North Korea.

The entire nation is a prison and its people desperately need your prayers. But... "deep inside the Hermit Kingdom lies the secret embers of a revival fire that once burned in the hearts of the people and it will burn again." 🔥

Day 11:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE TENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a praying heart for the people of Burma.

Join us as we pray for the young Christian girls at risk and the Christian villages that are forced underground by Buddhists who would have them killed.

Day 10🇲🇲:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today we pray for Pakistan. Pakistan holds a special place in the heart of BTJ. It is the nation where the first BTJ missionaries were martyred.

Join together with us as we pray for Pakistan and for the missionaries who continue to faithfully serve there.

Day 9:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE EIGHTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a heart for the people of Sudan.

Join us today, as we pray for the nation of Sudan 🇸🇩

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a lamentation for the people of Somalia.

"In Somalia, children are starving, people are suffering, and the nation is constantly fighting against famine."

Join us in praying below:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SIXTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, an eternal flame of passion for the forgotten people of Yemen.

"there are an estimated 1.4 million children in Yemen and all of them are at risk of dying from either war or starvation."

Find Day 6 below:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE FIFTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a burning prayer for the believers in Iran.

"Iran has seen more believers come to Christ in the last 20 years than in the last 1,000 years"

Join us for Day 5:

Bethany boosted

@bethany I love these special times of coming together with the DD family to pray for our brothers and sisters. My words fail to describe the pain I feel in my heart yet the calm assurance that God is faithfully abiding with them brings me hope as I feel so helpless. Come, Lord Jesus come.

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE FOURTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a cry for the people of Syria.

You can find day 4 below:

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE THIRD DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a prayer for the believers in Iraq.

Join us for day 3 in the link below:

Bethany boosted

dad has Fufu, mom has Fufu, son has Fufu, daughter has Fufu

12 Days of Christmas Prayers

ON THE SECOND DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a heart for the people of Egypt.

Find day 2 in the link below 🙏🏼🇪🇬

Hey Dingdash family! We have something new and super exciting to share with you.

Every day, during the twelve days leading up to Christmas, we will pray together for the persecuted church living in the nations between China and Jerusalem. Each day will be focused on a different nation BTJ missionaries are working in and will be posted on the website and here on DD.

... and so we start today! 🙏🏼❤️🎄

ON THE FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, the sign of an old wooden cross made from a simple tree:

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