Will someone please explain?
Why do churches keep the lights dim or off? Are they trying to set a romantic mood? Keep us from being able to see our own Bibles? To create a "show" atmosphere? Really... I dont get it.
Are they trying to make up for their lack of genuine anointing and family with a Sunday morning show?
Sorry... maybe it's just me.


@Toddkapper no, it’s not just you, for some reason those who bring that kind of “atmosphere” think they’re helping with being spiritual. I’ve had many tell me they’ve left churches due to low lighting, smoke effect, and the loud music which sounds more like a grunge concert. God needs no more help and what’s needed it’s a return to the teaching of HOLINESS towards a holy God.

@biblexplorer Seriously, today I visited a church. Twice, someone on stage asked to see a show of hands, then put his hand above his eyes to block the stage lights to see the hands.
Then he said, "We are a family and we want to know you better. So scan the QR code on one of the 3 giant screens and make an appointment for a 'coffee connection'. Now let's watch the teaching for today from our executive pastor about living supernaturally natural." 🙄 What's an executive pastor?
Thing is, the church had about 200 attendees and is in a town of only 4500 people. 🤔

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