Wow. what a day. Lost another childhood hero.
Rush Limbaugh. Wow.
I know, I know...some of you might hate on me because of this one, but I lived on AM radio during long road trips and if Rush was on, I was there! He wasn't a Christian singer, not a preacher, not a Bible thumper - but still a major contributor to lives around the world and influenced the way I communicate today.
Rest well Rush. Your fight is over.


@sinbach as of now, I’m at a loss for words, one of the few bold and fearless voices for conservatism, Christians and all things American has left us. The godless will rejoice, wait for it, but let us pray for his wife , family and all who loved this rare and precious human being. Thank you, Rush, for being a loud voice for all who love God and this country. You WILL be missed and never replaced. 💔

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