Show more Be Prepared never Scared! It's not a question of If but When, so be prepared when the SHTF so you and your family will not only survive but thrive in any situation. What you really need is a tactical survival plan, personal protection (2 legged and 4 legged) clean drinking water, knowing what food to eat or use as medicine, basic shelter and first aid. Don't wait till there is mass panic, be ready before and you will be so glad you did.  

This is the season when God is wanting to open people's eyes.

People are putting on posts about 9-11, with the words 'never forget!'

But, what are we supposed to never forget?

How many people really know what was happening during that day?

How many of you know that our own government did this? How many of you know that it wasn't terrorism? How many of you know that it was a distraction for all the evil that people were doing in our country? Our own government did this and most people won't even believe it. That's what God is exposing right now. That is what our true president was trying to uncover when he was in office. We need to be aware of really what was going on so that we can stand up against the true evil that we are facing. We need to know what demonic forces are behind all this.
Speak out the word of God and bring down the evil that is trying to destroy our country.

I try to be a good person but then, someone pulls out in front of me going 10 below the speed limit.
Ugghhh...dear Jesus I will try again tomorrow...

Sun worship makes sense for atheists. They believe the whole earth dies to the sun one day…..

My son was only 10 or 11 years old when he posted this on his closet door in his room. He looked at it every day until he left home for university. He has since graduated with honors from the oldest senior military college in the United States and still never lost sight of this goal. I am so envious and admire his single-mindedness and dogged determination.
Today he walks through the gates of officer training school in Quantico, VA to start his career in the United States Marine Corps, fulfilling a promise he made to himself so many years ago. Natural Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus can help you prevent and reverse the serious risk factors from type 2 diabetes mellitus like chronic inflammation from insulin resistance serious complications like Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetic Coma, Alzheimer's, Blindness and Diabetic Coma. It is so easy to control and even reverse naturally. Restores Leptin and Insulin Sensitivity from Carbohydrate Absorption while You are Reversing Diabetes Naturally.


107. Bible Antiquity

While excavating a tomb near Jerusalem in 1979, two silver scroll amulets dated to the 7th century B.C. were uncovered, which were found to have Numbers 6:24-26, providing evidence for the antiquity of the Pentateuch.

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