Lithuania is the most authoritarian state in Europe right now. Poor people. They were suffering under Soviet communist rule until 1990, when they became independent (again). Without the covid passport It's even difficult to buy groceries. Sometimes I feel like taking part of a bad movie because of what's happening around the world. It doesn't make sense. Last night I had nightmares and woke up with anxiety in the morning. I just had to start the day with worship songs and then focusing on work. I had read and heard too much yesterday, that upset me. So much suffering! I wouldn't be as anxious if I wouldn't have a child. I think of his (and all children's) future in this evil and weird world. One thing is for sure, it is more difficult to be young today than it was only ten years ago. And then comes this evil plandemic that makes young people kill themselves in despair. I don't feel depressed but extremely frustrated and sometimes anxious, like today.

@tanjaostman I understand you, Tanja! The situation is precipitating in some countries (in Italy too). I do not know what to do anymore. I pray, I sing to the Lord, I meditate on the Scriptures but I don't know how to get out of this nightmare. It is a constant struggle to keep God's peace. Only God knows how we feel and will surely act in our favor according to his will. God bless you and protect you.

@faith20 @tanjaostman , dear ones in the Lord, when Jesus told the woman at the well that the Father was searching for those who would worship Him in Spirit and in truth, He certainly was thinking of our generation as well! Praise God for giving us a spirit so we might know His presence in shadowy valleys and tight spaces! My heart reaches through the internet to you and the many others who are living in desperate times and places. We, here in the US are increasingly uncertain about the days ahead in our government, but Christ in us is the kingdom we live for!! May your hearts be strengthened by His joy and quieted by the peace He gives you. Our Lord is coming soon!!

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