
My eyes are ever toward the Lord ,
For He shall pluck my feet

out of the net.

Psalms 25:15 NKJV

Meditate on the word "net". God has the power to take us out of the net, out of any net. Any network!

The whole world seems to be all embedded in the internet. It now seems that without the internet we can no longer live.

What will happen to the Church if the authorities decide to block the Internet for Christians?

Or how will Christians communicate without the internet if they are taken to places where it will not be possible to use the existing internet?

The Lord answered me with this verse. God has no limits. God has the power to get a message from one place to another even without the internet.

God is the almighty and he frees us from the net, from any net.

@faith20, thank you for sharing this, dear brother. I have thought some about this. I have beloved family in far away Alaska. My quick and reliable way to communicate is through the internet. What reassurance the Holy Spirit has given you in this verse. I receive the comfort of it as well. Grace and abundant peace be yours in Italy! Blessings from Pennsylvania, USA!

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