Help Me! Why is this happening?

• 1 in 6 has had Covid (possibly more, 40% asymptomatic)
• 60% are fully vaccinated in USA
• Covid vaccine has an effectiveness that is non-zero.
• Natural immunity has been found to be more effective than the vaccine
• vaccinated can still be infected
• vaccinated can still transmit
• vaccine may have side effects

So why are vaccines being mandated?
Logically it does not make sense to me.


@Sliggett This hysterical vaxx push has never been truly about stopping the covid disease. Nothing about it makes any sense if that's what you look at. No, those in control have a larger, darker agenda in which it is very important to get something in those vaccines into the arms of every human being. They seem to be using technology to exert control over the whole human population. Any they are fine with causing the deaths of many.

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