Make no mistake, the Browns are a good football team. These two teams will play often in the next several years. .

I am glad to see that none of the MO delegation voted against the President today. Here are the rino's who did:
Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California

Remember them next election day and send them back home. .

I believe the President should file suit against the House of Representatives for wrongful prosecution. They should be held accountable for their actions in a court of law and ultimately expelled from the House.

As fences go up around the Capitol building and many state capitols, liberals should be reminded...fences don't work.

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant.
Then it tries to silence the good.

I find it interesting that some members of the swamp are saying Trump will be ostersized by the republican party. With approval ratings still at 48-49% I believe the republican party is the one who may be ostersized. The apparently haven't figured out yet that they can't be reeleted without Trump supporters.

@sinbach I am fine with them shutting down apple. Overpriced and inferior products

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