"History has shown that more Christians have died from Communist Marxism than any other single ideology in the history of man. Marxism has been tried on nearly every continent, in different nations, by different cultures, but there has never been a nation on earth that has adopted Marxist teaching and not systematically killed Christians."
@KarMarJo57 I live in the USA and I agree that violence, racism and immorality are bad...I think that they can only be fixed by people turning away from their sinful lives and back to God! Another great article I read about BLM (if you're interested), I will give the link. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2020/06/65132/?fbclid=IwAR2bpPyPIVsKXZ3_FAhSL0gDb3W0UN8eyGF8mP8Ff8V3edm8jTrAfCNPT5Y
@mary_vedeva I read the article by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., was well said. That's how we felt. The wrongness to our African American friends/family needs to change, but the involvement in this Black Lives Matter movement is a back-handed movement and needs lots of prayer.
@mary_vedeva @KarMarJo57 great article