@messenjahofchrist Curious though - let's say the precedent is applicable to a voting situation: if fraud nullifies, then it is as though it never took place - which cannot make Trump the winner of a vote that never happened. Not to mention all of the Senators and House Reps and other down ballot positions. So then it goes to one of the Amendments I think? Where the House/Senate both choose President/VP?


@katharos yep, the 12th amendment i think says each state gets 1 vote. What ever party has a 2/3 majority in that state will be the party they have to vote for. I believe there are 38 states w republican majority and 13 (counting DC) with dem majority. In this scenario Trump will would win.

@messenjahofchrist ok yeah I need to get more familiar w the constitution 😬 do you know what the process would look like for the other roles on the ballots? In my county we were voting for clerk of courts and all sorts of things.
(Sidenote: I don’t like the candidate, so I wrote in a friend of mine who is not at all interested in any sort of office)

@katharos I think they would remain the same as Trump's team wouldn't be officially contesting those votes. I could be wrong, but I think they'd have to file separate law suits for those.

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